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always better than the movie, so in that case when I read the book I cannot be dissapointed!


Of course the other point can also be made that there is nothing like losing yourself to a good book. Which cannot be done completelty if you know what's already going to happen.


In the case of when a movie has been made from a book that I already have read I try to have an open mind before going to see it. I realise that a movie can never be exact to the book. Otherwise we would have a lot of sequals and mini-series.


But I do expect for a movie to stick to as close to the story as possible, doing both it and the characters justice. Not every actor will always look the part completely, but I think it is vital that they are able to portray the character from the book as closely as possible.


“Unlike all the other art forms, film is able to seize and render the passage of time, to stop it, almost to possess it in infinity. I’d say that film is the sculpting of time.”

– Andrei Tarkovsky

Fantasy Casting is the love child of two of my passions: reading and movies. For a long time I often found myself casting actors and actresses in my mind as I read a book.


The point of this website is to show who I, and the general reading public, would cast if we had our say for the movies that are, or would be, made from books.


Film is the visual portrayal of the written word. I am always mixed with both exitement and trepidation when a book becomes a movie. Will it do the book justice? Or will the movie completely butcher the concept of the book?


I normally have the mentality that if there is book that I haven't yet read that has already been made into a movie I would prefer to actually watch the movie first. My reasoning is that chances are that I will love the movie - having had nothing to compare it to. And as is the case 99% of the time the book is

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